Please let us join hearts, prayers and sacrifices with
one another, in unified petitioning to God for an end
to abortion in our world. Our prayers will be offered
up in reparation for this sin of flagrant abuse of human life:
the torturous death of these tiny Innocents, the misuse of the
gift of sexuality; for advocates of abortion and abortion providers.
We pray for the healing and conversion of these persons and all
parents of children at risk of abortion and of aborted children.
And we hold all who are waiting to minister to them in our prayers
for courage, strength, compassion and guidance under the protective
mantle of Our Lady and the tender mercy of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
We pray for continued support and growth of the many Pro-Life
agencies and apostolates who work deligently for the preservation,
dignity and reverence of all human life.
Please offer up your prayers, fasting (if you can) and sacrifices
and kindly pass along this message to those you know would
gladly join in this important endeavor.
Thank you all for your attention in this matter.
Please join with us, in reciting the 15
Mysteries of the Rosary and the Divine Mercy
Chaplet, uniting our prayers with the
sufferings of Jesus, because of this
horrific sin.
May God Bless you,
The following is an offer from Bud Macfarlane of Catholicity.
The Mary's Children apostolate is honored to be affiliated with this
wonderful Catholic website and endorse the good works and writings of
Mr. MacFarlane. The following is an excerpt from his message about an exciting
new audio tape on the sacrament of reconcilliation:
"Hi, I’m Bud Macfarlane Jr., founder of You must
listen to this free audio tape immediately, even if you have been
a devout Catholic all your life.
You need to know about “Confession” by Father Larry Richards,
the first new audio tape from the Mary Foundation in almost two years......
If you could only listen to one talk, and only have one tape to give
to others, I would urge you -- without hesitation -- to make that one
tape “Confession.”
With your help, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that “Confession”
will join “The Conversion of Scott Hahn” and my dad’s
“Marian Apparitions Explained” as one of the most important, life-changing,
popular, and influential audio tapes of all time.
How can I be so sure?"...........
invites you to join in the membership
of this recently established chapter.
Become a participant in upcoming Catholic prayer vigils
at abortion sites.
Learn how to become a part
of a non-confrontational program
based on the power of prayer
......the holy rosary .........
and the love of our Merciful God.
Please contact:
Mr. "Duke" Weilbacher
(858) 274-9316
Gianna Jessen is a talented young woman with
a powerful testimony.
Aborted in the third trimester of her teenage
biological mother's pregnancy, Gianna weighed
a mere 2 lbs. at birth. Her critical condition
caused her to spend the first several months of
her life in a Southern California hospital.
Gianna was eventually placed in foster care
and was soon diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
Doctors believed that Gianna would never be able
to sit up independently and chances of her ever
walking or even crawling were as dim. However,
by the Grace of God, faithful prayers and consistant
love of a dedicated foster mother and family,
Gianna proved the doctors wrong.
Gianna persevered through endless physical therapy
sessions and after a delicate operation at the age
of 3 1/2, Gianna walked, for the first time with the
aid of a walker and a leg brace. Two months later,
Gianna was legally released for adoption and another
miracle took place. She was adopted by Diana DePaul,
daughter of her foster mother. Thus Gianna was
permitted to remain in her long-time family and, Penny,
her foster mom now became her legal grandmother.
With love and attention, Gianna's physical condition
improved and now after 4 operations, she walks and runs
without assistance or leg braces and enjoys an active life.
Gianna's passion is music and she has been gifted
with a beautiful voice. Her pre-teen years were filled
with singing in church, schools, and participating
in the San Diego Christian Youth Theater where she
performed in "The Wizard of Oz", "Pollyanna",
"Cinderella", and other musical productions. She also
played the lead role in "Alice in Wonderland" in the
CYT Disney character musical tour group. These are a
treasured part of her childhood.
She is now actively pursuing her musical career.
She has written and recorded her first solo album,
"For the Sake of Love" and her music is a welcomed part
of her ministry to national and international audiences.
Gianna has appeared on local and national TV including:
The 700 Club, Heart to Heart, The Maury Povich Show,
A Closer Look/Faith Daniels and various news and cable
programs. She has been featured on Focus on the Family
broadcasts, Family News in Focus, the Gordon Liddy Show,
and other major radio programs. Her story has been
featured in USA Today, Newsweek, New York Times,
Washington Post, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune,
San Diego Union and other major print media in the USA
and internationally.
Focus on the Family has published Gianna's biography,
"Gianna....Aborted and Lived to Tell About It".
The book has been endorsed by many well known pro-family
advocates including Mother Theresa, Cal Thomas and
Josh McDowell.
Gianna considers herself "a normal teenager
who likes to do normal things" and shares her music
testimony of God's Grace in her life. A devoted Christian,
her strong faith and compassionate way of presenting one
of the most emotional issues confronting America today,
have won her growing legions of fans and friends,
young and old, from coast to coast and around the world.
"You did not have a right to live"?!
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